Thanks to the internet and advanced technologies, the number of digital nomads all over the world is increasing day by day. For those who are relatively new to the term, digital nomads are professional remote workers who have chosen to live a location-independent lifestyle that gives them the opportunity to travel and work anywhere in the world. If that sounds interesting, now is the best time to become a digital nomad. Having said that, working smartly while traveling requires some planning ahead. Here are a few tips and resources that will help get you started:

  • Get a local SIM

Getting a local SIM card makes sense if you plan to spend time in a particular region for more than a few weeks. This will help you to be connected irrespective of the quality of WiFi. Make sure to unlock your phone before you leave so that you can set it up as soon as possible.

  • Have the right technology

Having the right technology is very important when you are a digital nomad. In addition to the plug adapters and voltage converters, it is crucial that you have other technology with you such as USB modems and WiFi extenders. These tools are a must if your work demands your online presence, because you cannot always trust the quality of internet in many of the places you intend to travel. A portable external charger is another essential tool if you plan to use electronic items throughout the day.

  • Develop a local network

Even if you are not staying in a certain place for a longer period, it would be worth it if you could make some new friends from the locality. This is necessary for you to enjoy your travel as well as your work. Sites like Reddit, Nomad List, or even Facebook groups will help you find expats and entrepreneurs in the same city very easily.

  • Choose the right place to work

Depending on the place you are staying, you may find plenty of options like coffee shops, libraries and co-working spaces, where you can choose to work. Such a large number of options may be overwhelming, but think about the type of space where you would be most productive in and try out that option.

  • Keep in touch with loved ones

Once you embark on your new and exciting digital nomad lifestyle, itโ€™s quite natural to shift your attention away from your friends and family back home. While the nomadic life is a great option there will be times when youโ€™ll feel low. This is when you need the support and love of people who are very close to you. The point is, no matter how busy you get or how happy you are in the new place, always find some time to keep in touch with your loved ones.

  • Explore your work options

Becoming a freelancer, blogger or entrepreneur are all good options if you want to live the digital nomad lifestyle. However, there are plenty of companies that promote the idea of working remotely. If your company remains unaffected, look for remote jobs at companies that are open to this type of work style.

  • Know where to find work

If you decide to be self employed, it is important to find new clients as you reach the end of certain projects. You can find thousands of remote job opportunities, technical as well as non-technical, by becoming a member of sites like Freelancer and Upwork. For those who wish to work with just one company, Remote Jobs is a listing database that helps find the ideal digital nomad job.

  • Enhance your productivity

When you are away from home and alone, there is a great chance that your productivity may take a hit. But thanks to an endless list of apps and tools out there, you can easily be on track. Some of these tools include Asana, Basecamp, Trello and Solo (for project management), Google Docs and Evernote (for documents and ideation), Trail Wallet, You Need A Budget, and FreshBooks (for money and budgeting) and plenty of other helpful such as Dropbox, Google Translate and Every Time Zone.

  • Remember it’s work too

Becoming a digital nomad gives you the chance to travel while working in new and exotic locations. However, if you want to be successful in your new endeavor, make sure to work hard and always prioritize your current clients and projects, rather than giving importance to the travel aspect.

  • Find the right balance for you

If at some point you feel that the digital nomad life doesn’t fit you anymore, don’t hesitate to stop. There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed. There are plenty of people who chose this path because they were attracted by the prospect of living and working abroad. But the fact is that there is a vast majority that donโ€™t stick around for long. The important thing is that you need to find the right balance for you.

Top Cities to Live As Digital Nomad


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