Travel Insurance = Peace of Mind.


The idea of spending a large amount of money on something that you may never use, may seem a little crazy. You may have traveled a lot and have had awesome experiences every time, so its natural to dismiss the idea of purchasing a travel insurance. But you may not be lucky every time. Whether you are traveling domestically or internationally, taking travel insurance is highly recommended. You must understand that without travel insurance, an emergency evacuation can cost more than USD $100,000.

Travel Insurance

Here are a few reasons why travel insurance is so important:

  • Your flight has been canceled.
  • You have a medical emergency in a foreign country.
  • You need to cancel your trip due to illness or other reasons.
  • Your wallet and passport are stolen, and you need emergency cash and a replacement passport.
  • Your baggage and personal belongings have been lost.
  • If you are involved in an accident or you have accidentally caused damage and are held accountable for it, insurance can cover your liability and legal costs.
  • You’re involved in an accident and adequate medical treatment is not available. You need medical evacuation.
  • You have lost your bags and your medication is in it. You require an emergency prescription filled.
  • Your airline or tour operator goes bankrupt. You need to get to your destination and your non-refundable expenses covered.
  • A natural disaster like hurricane or earthquake forces you to evacuate your resort or hotel.


Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is actually a legal contract created by lawyers. It is important that you read and understand the fine print and description of coverage thoroughly. Make sure to ask questions if you don’t understand the policy wording. Travel insurance normally ends soon after you arrive home, so if your policy is for a year and come home after 2 or 3 months, you won’t be eligible for a refund for the unused portion of the policy. However, some policies do allow you to resume travel using the same policy.

Buying a travel insurance is often considered an unnecessary expense, even though it can save you a fortune, should something go wrong while youโ€™re abroad. From providing 24-hour emergency assistance to covering the expense of accidents, travel insurance is a must-have for frequent travelers.


SMART Tips While Traveling

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